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website confidentiality statement

We undertake to respect the anonymity and privacy of each user. We will collect personal data, such as names and/or e-mail addresses, only if the same have been voluntarily made available by the user. Such data will be collected and processed solely for the purpose of providing the users who subscribed for the purchase of our products on our company's website. We hereby undertake to refrain from making any personal data available to any third party without express prior consent of the user. The user is at any time entitled to oppose the collection and processing of her/his personal data, and/or to request correction of the collected personal data, by contacting us at

Njofra Shop, as data controller responsible for collecting personal data at undertakes to protect the privacy of the users in accordance with the ACT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION. Data obtained from users during the use of this site will be collected and processed with good intentions, only for the purpose stated herein and won't be processed or delivered to any third party. The data controller shall be exempt from the undertaken obligation of protecting the privacy of the users in the event of a serious breach of these terms or illegal activities of the user, in which case the privacy of the user can be revealed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Croatia.

Njofra Shop  respects the privacy of visitors to this site, so we have created this statement to inform you about the way we process visitors' personal data.

Njofra Shop on the website collects a minimum amount of personal data at the moment when a visitor makes an inquiry via the contact form.

The data we collect are:

Name and e-mail address (necessary to answer the question).

The collected data is not kept on the server, but immediately after sending it is forwarded to the company's official e-mail address.

Njofra Shop will use the data collected when filling out the contact form exclusively for the purpose of communicating with senders regarding the inquiry they sent, as well as in further business communication if business cooperation is achieved.

At no time will we hand over data about users and web visitors to third parties.

The user of the site can at any time request an insight into the collected data, and request correction or deletion by phone, by sending a request to the official e-mail address or through the contact form on the site.

Njofra Shop, as the data controller responsible for collecting personal data at, undertakes to protect user privacy in accordance with the LAW ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GENERAL REGULATION ON DATA PROTECTION. Data obtained from users while using this site will be collected and processed ​​in good faith, only for the purpose stated here and will not be processed _22200000-000 0-0000- 0000-000000000222_​nor deliver to third parties. The controller is exempted from the assumed obligation to protect user privacy in the event of a serious violation of the general conditions or illegal activities of the user, in which case the user's privacy may be disclosed in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Croatia.


The web shop uses cookies to improve the user experience, monitor visit statistics and personalize advertising. The user can choose whether to allow the use of cookies on the web shop. If the user wants to disable the use of cookies, he can do so through the settings of his browser. However, if the user disables the use of cookies, some functionalities of the web shop may not be available. In accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, point a) of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the user will be informed about the use of cookies and give his consent through the cookie flag on the website. If the user does not give his consent, he will not be allowed to use cookies. Data processing through cookies is carried out in accordance with Article 6, paragraph 1, point f) of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, whereby the goal of the company's legitimate interests is to improve the user experience, monitor visit statistics and personalize advertising. By using the web shop and consenting to the use of cookies, the user accepts the terms of use and the GDPR and gives his consent to the use and processing of his personal data for the purpose specified in these documents.

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